Thursday, April 5, 2012

JASA's Vocabulary

1. Paper Shredding

Paper Shredder 2.gif (673×644)
Meaning: Place where you get rid of personal papers. 
Context: I have done this a few times at my internship. I've shred papers from the years of 2000-2004. 

2. Silver Wear

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Meaning: Plastic forks, knives, and spoons.
Context: I do silver-wear packing everyday at my internship for the senior's lunch service. 

SAT Words
3. Antiquated

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Meaning: Something that is old fashioned. 
Sentence: Old-fashioned cars are very expensive in New York. 

4. Choleric
aphoto4.jpg (2000×2253)

Meaning: Someone who gets angry really fast.
Sentence: A choleric person doesn't like to be bothered. 

5. Marshal

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Meaning: A group of people gathered in a meeting or event. 

Sentence: There is a marshal of teachers every Wednesday afternoon. 

1 comment:

  1. I like that you added pictures with the words definitions as well, it is a good way to make things easier to understand.
