Advisor - Supervisor
The person who you can turn to whenever you need help at internship.
She is lucky enough to have a supervisor that understands her situation.
Appropriate - Apropiado
Something that is adequate for an occasion or an activity.
Her schedule was appropriate for her situation.
Attitude - Actitud
Your body posture defining your emotions.
He was fired from his internship because he was always giving his supervisor an attitude.
Colleague - Colega
A partner in your profession.
All Bridges' teachers are colleagues.
Co-worker - CompaƱero de trabajo
A person working in the same site as you.
Marina is Karen's co-worker at JASA.
Criticism - Critica
People giving feedback about somebody else's work.
Hearing criticism is a good way to improve your work.
Discrimination - Discriminacion
Talking bad or making a thread against a certain group of people.
Discrimination is a big issue in the United States.
Duty - Deber
The tasks you need to finish at work or school.
My number one duty is to complete my internship hours before the deadline.
Employee - Empleado
A person who works for another person.
He was able to become an employee at his internship site.
Evaluation - Evaluacion
Someone checking how well or bad you do at work.
Her supervisor has done several evaluations to others at her work.
Flexible - Flexible
Something that can be changed constantly.
My schedule is very flexible every week.
Harassment - Acoso
To bother or touch another inappropriately very often.
My internship place is a harassment-free area.
Recommendation - Recomendacion
A representation in favor of a person.
A letter of recommendation is required at a job interview.
Reference - Referencia
Something addressing where you obtained information from.
Ms. Kara always makes us do a reference page in most projects.
Salary - Salario
The amount of money you get paid at your job.
A person who goes to college has a better salary than a person that doesn't attend college.